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Fathers' Picks Health & Wellness Household

A Quick Guide to Raising Healthy Kids

Raising healthy kids

Eat well and be active – good advice that you can help your children put into practice.

Father and son organizing groceries in kitchen. A Quick Guide to Raising Healthy Kids. How to raise a well-rounded child

Healthy kids- a quick guide to raising healthy kids

Here is an entire page of links provided by the Heart & Stroke Foundation as a quick guide to raising healthy kids. 

Heart-healthy eating

Healthy eating is about balance. It’s making smart decisions to help your family eat healthy most of the time. Read more

Heart-healthy activity

Physical activity can be a lifesaver – literally – for children of all ages. Get them to start early! Read more

Healthy weight

Healthy habits – that are important to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight – begin at home. Read more

Heart-healthy lesson plans

Heart-healthy lesson plans for teachers promote physical activity with suitable activities for kids of all ages. Read more

Stay healthy, have fun!

Get printable activity sheets for Grades K-6 to support heart, brain and mental health. HeartSmart Kids at Home is a fun way to help kids and families keep learning and stay healthy.

A child and mother working on homework together at the kitchen table. Raising healthy children.
Father and daughter baking in kitchen. How to raise healthy children.

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