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Fathers' Picks Finances

How to Save More Without Missing out!

How to Save More Without Missing out!

Finance is an integral part of life, and as a single father, you might be faced with the challenge of budgeting one income. We noted that there are also many ways of stretching every dollar. We want to provide some helpful resources and hints to help. Here are a few!


Shop on sale

Every retailer has a sale section and sale periods. Get to know your favourite retailers, and you will find out that they each have their patterns and sales strategies. When you go shopping, start in that section before going to the new arrival. If you are shopping for non-perishables, buy in bulk if you can afford them.

Points cards

Make good use of the companies that offer points when you purchase.  Especially if you regularly shop with them.  The points can accumulate quickly.

Create a menu for the week

When you create weekly menus, it allows you to

  • Stick more to your grocery budget.
  • Reduce waste.
  • Reduce the need to eat out.
  • For any ingredient needed for more than I recipe, it is best to buy them in larger quantities. For example, you can buy a family pack of ground beef and make lasagna, a chilli and a shepherd’s pie or tacos from that same pack.

Make your own (DIY)

You can find many cost-effective ways of doing things. There are so many great YouTube videos on how to do anything practically. You can: 

  • Create gifts.
  • Home improvement projects.
  • Spend quality times working on projects with your children.
Ride Sharing

Ride sharing with friends, family and neighbors is a cost-effective way of going to work, sending kids to school, or going to kid’s school activities.

Buy in second-hand stores (Thrift Shop)

You can really get good value for your money at second-hand stores. The merchandise can vary depending on the neighborhood. One tip is to shop in a location that is in or near an upscale neighbourhood to find great piece.


There are a few places that have great value:

In Canada, 

  • St-Vincent Paul
  • Salvation army
  • Value Village


  • Salvation Army
  • Oxfam
  • Traid

Free online platforms

Many people have items that are in great conditions that they want to part with, but they don’t want to go through the hassle of selling them. They sometimes prefer to give them away or auction them. There are quite a few of these sites. 


  • Kijiji
  • Facebook (Buy Nothing Neighbourhood Group)
  • Facebook Market Place
  • Freecycle
  • Ebay


  • Gumtree
  • Freebiers Club UK
  • Hot UK Deals
  • Ebay
Resources on financial planning

There are several online helpful tips and resources on strategic planning and managing your financial resources. Many people have items that are in great conditions that they want to part with, but they don’t want to go through the hassle of selling them. They sometimes prefer to give them away or auction them. There are quite a few of these sites on the internet.

Let us know which ones worked best for you!

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